Vagabondine Unterwegs

06 Mai 2006

la carrera de caballo

I was so happy to go to a horse race! And by accident I found out as well that tomorrow there is going to be a free Polo game, so instead of going to Colonia Im going there of course. As I told u usually Polo games are not affordable, maybe its because we are off season. Dunno.

However Im really looking forward for the game.

The race was real fun. A smug won and so u could see some sad faces afterwards. Only I definitaly didnt expect it to be that short, after 2 min or so it was over already. There would have been another race an hour later but I rather go and have a coffee now at Marks!

(The Jockeys are soooo short! Like 1.60m or so... hihi)



Anonymous Anonym said...

very nice pictures in this blog!maybe some other time i read some textes too :) but not now cause i don't have so much time :)
have fun!!!


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