Vagabondine Unterwegs

26 Mai 2006

die erste Woche

Mal wieder auf Deutsch. Englisch ist mir glaubs etwas verleidet, vor allem, da ich nur noch zweimal etwa ein halbes Buch uebrig hab. Beide in Englisch und beide gefallen mir nicht sonderlich. Aber ich muss sie trotzdem lesen, weil irgendwas muss ich ja machen nicht?

Also, mir geht es besser, huete morgen habe ich sogar mit Erstaunen festgestellt, dass ich die Aussicht hier in Lima, die ja noch die gleiche ist, wie vor einer Woche, weniger schlimm finde als noch letztes Wochenende. Sogar die Augen koennen sich also an was gewoehnen...

Im Heim hab ich es soweit echt gut, ich hab mein eigenes Zimmer mit einem bequemen Bett und ein eigenes Bad. Sehr viel Luxus.

Mein Bad wuerd ich nicht hergeben, aber ich finds schon doov, dass die Kiddies halt einfach wirklich fast nix haben. Und momentan sinds noch nicht mal viele, nur 9. 8 Jungs und ein Maedel, armes Ding. Sie kommt immer drunter und traut sich nicht, sich zu wehren. Dabei waere sie in Realitaet sicher gleich stark wie die Jungens.

Leider hab ich herzlich wenig zu tun. Morgens sind die Kiddies in der Schule und nachdem ich beim Fruehstueck die Broetchen geschmiert hab und sie zur Schule begleitet hab, ist es irgendwie acht, dann esse ich und um halb 9 hab ich wider nix zu tun. Der Gaertner/Hausbauer/Schlaechter glaubt glaubs ich koenne gar nix. Ist schon ok, der weiss ja nicht, dass ich daheim auch Rasenmaehen muss. Aber ab Montag werd ich ihm sagen, dass ich lernen will, die man die Tiere versorgt (Gaense, Huener, Kaninchen, Mammi Ziege und Teenie Ziege, Wellensittiche, eine Schildkroete und 3 Doggies. Mal wieder ein Boxer. Die haben wirklich das duemmste Gesicht, dass ich je gesehen hab, aber was soll man machen, die Peruaner moegen sie anscheinend sehr. Dabei koennen die gar nicht richtig atmen, und weil der Boxer, Spot heisst er, immer so gelangweilt ist, laeuft er einem immer nach. Und das hoert sich dann an, als ob man ein schnaubendes Monster hinter sich haette. Weil seine Nasenloecher oder so so klein sind. Poor thing.

Ich hab versucht mit ihm zu spielen, damit er nicht mehr so gelangweilt ist. Aber er hat glaubs gedacht, dass ich ihm das Stoeckchen anschmeissen will. Jedenfalls hat er eher Angst gehabt als was anderes. Aber das werden wir schon hinkriegen.

Die Baby Kaninchen sind sehr suess. Aber wenn sie gross sind werden sie gegessen. Naja, so ist das hier. Ich glaub ich frag den Gaertner/Hausbauer/Schlaechter mal, oeb ich ihm zuschauen darf. Selber koennt ich natuerlich nie sowas machen. Aber vielleicht ists ja interessant. Aber ich bin mir noch nicht sicher, nicht dass ich dann schlechte Troime von blutenden Kaninchen hab...

Jetzt kenn ich die Kiddies natuerlich noch nicht sonderlich gut, das ist ein bisschen doov, weil sie recht schwierig sind halt. Leider. Es wird gestohlen, sich gegen einander ausgespielt, sich verhauen und so. Und die kleineren un das Maedel sind die, die drunter kommen.

Und ich weiss halt noch nicht genau, was ich in solchen Situationen machen soll. Aber ich hab ja UNO mitgebracht und das lieben sie alle. Ich werds wohl zum Bestrafen missbrauchen muessen. Ich mein, ich kann ja nicht sagen, wer mir das verschollene Buch vom dem und dem wieder bringt, kriegt Schoggi, oder? Sonst fehlen am naechsten Tag alle Buecher. So funktioniert das hier.

Zum Glueck hat es noch hermana Rebeca die den Tag ueber da ist und mit den Kiddies redet und redet und redet und Versprechen abknuepft (die dann wieder umgangen werden) und so. Dafuer kann ich einfach noch zu wenig Spanisch, und wenn die aelteren Jungs wollen, dass ich sie nicht versteh, dann versteh ich sie auch nicht. Naja. Aber eben, es brauch Zeit die einzelnen Kinder kennenzulernen. Und es sind ja auch ueberhaupt nicht alle schwierig, eigentlich nur die groesseren Jungs (was manchmal halt auch ein bisschen auf die juengeren abfaerbt), die 2 juengsten aber sind super suess... Omar (6) hat einfach das ultimative Verfuehrersmile! haha...

So, ihr seht, es ist anders hier, sehr arm aber man kann sich anscheinend an sehr vieles gewoehnen. Was aber sicher ist, ist dass ich meine letzte Nacht in einem teuren Hotel verbringen werde. Mit warmem Wasser (kalt duschen ist naemlich echt doov) und allem drum und dran. Damit ich auch schoen sauber heimkommen kann. Das wird sein muessen.

Hasta luego!

22 Mai 2006

culture shock

Finally Im ready to write again, yesterday I was far too depressed. But then my dad called and I was sort of doing me good telling someone all my pain and knowing that I eventually could come back earlier.

Well, how shall I beginn, the first 2 days here in Peru Ive just been crying. Living in a slum, no water, no toilet, from time to time a cold shower at a friends house, everythings dirty, the kitchen, the plates, the pans, everything (I guess the dirt is the worst) and it stinks of stray, dunno how many of u know how a stray stinks like, but u definitaly missed one of the worst smells...

To brush my teeth and wash my hands I use a cut bottle (my great invention Im so proud of) with 1/2 dl of valuable drinking water, imagine but this is enough for both, of course out of the window cause theres no sink here.

Well, but the kiddies are lovely, almost scarying lovely. Im already godmother... I was sort of surprised but Sophia really wanted the Gringa ( how the call the whites here) to be her godmother, and I said, ok... very sweet.

Church was good yesterday, it lives and something quite weird happened... I just had to cry without no reason and had a very strange but nice feeling. And Im really a sceptic person. We'll see...

Now I need to pack my bags again to go to the childrens home where Im going to stay the week through...


18 Mai 2006

Glacial el Martial

Well, the weather here really sucks. Im glad Im going to leave tomorrow. Today I tried to go to the glacier and had to turn back because I was literally scared of the wind which let me topple down one and a half time. I never felt that strong wind. And after a while I couldn find any footsteps anymore in the snow and because I was on my own I decided that it should be better turning back.

A disappointing trip.

17 Mai 2006

wie man sich bettet...

Room is almost tidy, stamps are bought and flights confrimed.

Jetzt wollt ich noch sagen, wie Myra sich hier bettet. Weil die Haeser hier nicht sonderlich gut isoliert sind, wird es jeweils relativ schnell kalt im Zimmer, wenn man die Tuer schliesst.

Myra loest das Problem der Kaelte folgendermassen:

Sie klaut eine zweite Decke und ein zweites Kissen (dies allerdings der Bequemlichkeit wegen), plus ueber den Pitsch wird noch der Fasi angezogen und Wollsocken, die hat sie naemlich genau fuer solche Faelle eingepackt.

Und dann Oerstoepsel rein, Decke bis zum Kinn raufziehen, Augen zu und los gehts.
(Das geht imfall echt gut!)

mi planes de hoy

-Not getting up at 9.
-Instead getting up at 11:30.
-Not being sad because of the weather.
-Not going to the glacier.
-Instead go to the supermarket to buy breakfast, grimacing at the horrid sleet.
-Not being sad because of the weather.
-Paying attention not to slip out.
-Having breakfast ( incl. boiled egg)
-Write this, while trying not to be sad because of the weather.
-Tidy up my room.
-Confrim my flights.
-Visit the museum Fin del Mundo where u can get a stamp for ur passport.
-Not being sad because of the weather.
-Turn home.
-Drink tea.
-Hoping that tomorrow is going to be better.
-Drink another tea.
-Probably have dinner.
-Read further in 'die gruene Wolke'
-Go to bed.

16 Mai 2006

Tierra del Fuego

Stupid, stupid stupid computer doesnt want to add my pics. I hate him.
So if u wanna see what I saw the last days go to:

Ive been to the first 3 pics till now...

So, behaving again. Because the keyboard from the hostel really sucks, this is not going the longest post ever, ok? And as well Im too tired to go to a locutorio, Im sorry.

As announced yesterday I went on a boat trip on the Beaagle Channel, I was on a island, saw the sea lion (which are very stinky), cormoranes and the lighttower. Impresionante!

And today I went hiking in the national part of Tierra del Fuego. I was dead afterwards.
Breakfast at 10 and hiking from 1 to 5:30 in the afternoon. Namely very fast otherwise we wouldnt have made it in time cause the last bus back leaves on 5:30.
Though it was raining and very muddy it was very very beautiful!

I definitaly want to show u some pics soon, but check the link till then.

No anecdotes today, Im turning crazy writing here...

Tomorrow Ill check out a Locutorio...

Cheers from the South

14 Mai 2006

Oh my God I can't believe,I've never been this far away from home

Savely arrived at Ushuaia. The air is soooo fresh, just like home. Mountains, snow, glaciers. Only the sea in in front of the door we dont have. Neither Penguins..
Uh, and what makes me very happy is that they have kitties here in the hostel. Which seems to be nice as well.

This afternoon Im going on a boat trip, some sightseeing. =)

The sad thing is I guess I lost 100 Dollars. I suppose I took them out when I had fever to buy medicaments cause my credit card didnt work. But then I found more Pesos so I didnt need them. And I really dont know where they are! Damn it!
Well, I hope Im just stupid for another time and Ill find them soon... happens to me all the time. Finding money I didnt remember I still have it.
Well, what shall I do... stupid me.

I definitaly need a nap now. I only slept an hour last night.


13 Mai 2006

No quiero irme....

I dont wanna leave... I met so many so friendly ppl here, its amazing. And many of them Im probably never going to see again or I go back to Argentina. Maybe I need to do that.

Before I had my announced coffee and a sandwich at Marks and terminated my shopping (for friends and family, not for me...). I even found something for my Daddy, hes sort of picky, arent u?

I hate packing my suitcase and I hate getting up tomorrow at 3 or so. Bah...

But I am curious for Ushuaia and so on...

I wish u would be here to night for my farewell party thought it actually would be a bit strange. However...

A kiss and goodbye

12 Mai 2006

Teatro Colon y Sanidad

Hi Sweethearts
Im fine again. Finally, well, actually it went over surprisingly fast, didnt it? Just over night as it came as well. Im very happy though.

Today was my last day of school and we had a little lunch party with chorizos, bread and vegetables. But actually I didnt eat because I had a big breakfast at Marks again, did u see the pic? ... me encanta el Marks!

These four weeks went over so fast, I cant believe its already a month Im abroad!

However I received my diplome ( 80 hrs of castellano, imgaine!) and took some pics from school. And, how sweet, one of the girls that work at school sang a song for all that left today. Soooo sweet...

Afterwards I went to Palermo Soho with a friend (where theres Marks as well) to look for some presents for home. And I even found some things, though Im so picky... =)

Uh, and yesterday, though I was terribly ill, I went to the Theatro Colon. Theres a picture above. The symphony orchestra played Mozart and scary Beethoven, very nice. I only always had to pay attention not to fall asleep because of the meds that really made me tired.

El teatro Colon es muy impresionante! Mil personas se pueden sentar en el bajo y ademas hay seis pisos mas. Tambien me gustaba mucho que el teatro es mas viejo que el teatro de Basilea, con mucho oro y hermosas aranas de cristal.

Pero, nada mas en castellano... Afterwards I went straight to bed, reasonable as I am...

Tonight, a friend is coming over for Dinner and afterwards we are going to Amandas flat again where we are going to decide what the further plans will be. Im not sure yet whether I want to go dancing cause tomorrow is my last day and I still need to pack everything, buy some more gifts and in the evening preciosa Muchy is going to throw a farewell party for me and the friends I made here. Very nice, isnt it?

Ich umarm euch alle!


11 Mai 2006

und Fieber hab ich auch

Tschuldigung, aber das muss jetzt in Deutsch sein. In Deutsch kann ich naemlich noch viel besser jammern als in Englisch.
Ich bin naemlich ein ganz armer Tropf der sehr erkaeltet ist und Fieber hat. Ganz arm bin ich und immernoch hab ich nur meine Nasentropfen die helfen. Und dafuer hab ich OC geguckt. Die dritte Staffel und Marissa ist ein Drogenmaedel und hat einen Bad Boy und Seth hat Summer trotz super vielen Herzenballonen und vielen Emotionen ins Gesicht gesagt, dass er sie nicht mehr lieben wuerde. Und der Papi von Seth macht irgendwelche komische Geschaefte. Und das Mammi von Seth hat fast wieder zu trinken angefangen aber dann doch nicht. Und Ryan hat seine echte Mammi besucht, aber da bin ich nicht ganz draus gekommen und er hat auch noch Sex gehabt mit einem blonden Maedel.
Und jetzt fuehl ich mich wieder eine Runde schlecht.

10 Mai 2006

foolish, but I miss my cat

my Friend the nose drops

I am sick. I got a stupid cold and this really pisses me off. And the only friend that nurses me are my nose drops which I fortunately brought with me. Huhu...

Still its better now that in cold Ushuaia now I just need to get over it fastly!

There didnt happen too much more except for having great Sushi on Sunday where the Wasabi at first almost blew my head of. And dinner at a friends on Monday.

School is very boring since this week cause we are only concerned with stuff I already know because of being everyday things. Like reflexive verbs for example. Very easy and the teacher spends sort of 3 hours on that.

Might be as well that she didnt find out yet that my class is a very fast class compared to others which have students that are just learning there first foreign language. Which makes it of course much more difficult.

Yesterday I finally wanted to go to Tango classes but then I had to stay in because I just felt too bad to get out of the house. Its a shame. Well, I should try it at least once in Swizz then.

Now I should think of what to do with the day. One thing is sure, namely that I need to bring my clothes to the laudry service.

Ive been so afraid before I had to bring it the frist time. Especially after my sister lost so many of ther cloths in South Africa. But I told them only to wash them cold and that they shouldnt dry them. It worked out and I still got all my cloths.


08 Mai 2006

some more trash

Never order a Te frio, also known as Ice Tea. U know what I got instead? A teapot with cold water, a cup and a tea bag. Hahaha... I couldnt belive it. But it was no problem after I had stopped laughing I explained the situation and got a Coke instead.

Maybe the waiter just wanted to charmuchar a bit. Charmuchar is a very interesting verb. I dont know any language than Argentinan Spanish that has a special verb for 'talking to a woman withough saying anything specific just to be able to remain close to her hopeing to get some more later on'.

Yesterday night I started to read 'die gruene Wolke' from A.S. Neill. Its a childrens book actually. But since a long time a book that makes me laugh out loud. Its about some children and 2 men that think they are the only ppl left on earth because all the others in GB became to stone. Only suddenly they receive a german radio channel (what means the germans still must be alive) and that is what say:

'Ich glaube, wir werden uns alle bald Sorgen um unsere Gesundheit machen muessen, wenn diese deutschen Typen noch leben. Da es Deutsche sind, wollen sie wahrscheinlich die ganze Welt erobern....' Hihihi...

bb needa get ready for unas cervezas with a friend

partido de polo

Today I went to the Polo game but the weather hasnt been very good so there were not very many spectators. But those who were there, are definitaly all members of the rich old families here. Obviously all of white skin, blue eyes and a lot of gold all over.

It was amazing watching at what the Jockey were able to do with their horses. I wondered how was possible to train horses that well! Imagine what a horse must know if it should act as if it was a football player, thats what it is all about.

And I could touch the horses as well! =D I loved it! The last pic is Marie, sweetheart. Huiii...

Aspiration is better now, btw. Anyway I really like to be here and I guess its just normal longing for friends and family after a certain time, isnt it?

06 Mai 2006

la carrera de caballo

I was so happy to go to a horse race! And by accident I found out as well that tomorrow there is going to be a free Polo game, so instead of going to Colonia Im going there of course. As I told u usually Polo games are not affordable, maybe its because we are off season. Dunno.

However Im really looking forward for the game.

The race was real fun. A smug won and so u could see some sad faces afterwards. Only I definitaly didnt expect it to be that short, after 2 min or so it was over already. There would have been another race an hour later but I rather go and have a coffee now at Marks!

(The Jockeys are soooo short! Like 1.60m or so... hihi)



Today I am very needy. I really need some love but theres no one here.... just a long hug by a very good friend for example or a real good chat with a cup of coffee... I hope it is going to disappear soon again.

At least I had a very nice dream when I had a short nap before dinner. I namely dreamt that a car stuffed with my friends came over for a suprise visit. I loved to see u all again! Hmm... Id love to have u here!

As well, now I passed the 3 weeks mark. Ive never been abroad on my oddy knocky for longer than that... well, Id definitaly didnt feel like 3 weeks but still...

last night

This is a friend of mine from school, shes swiss as well y muy amorosa! Last night as anounced, I cooked Spaghetti for 3 friends at Amandas flat. Very tasty of course and u even dont need a Teflon frying pan!

Then I went out with one of the girls to the Club called lost. Unfortunately the other 2 girls didnt want to join. (We had the test today that decides whether u pass to the next level or not.) But dont worry, I passed anyway... We had a great time though it wasnt as great as last time. Somehow the ppl were different and a bit less friendly.

So next week I am already going to be in level Principante 2A. There I am going to learn one of the 3 futur tenses they have in Spanish. And I already know 2 of the 5 past tenses. So I can now say pretty much though there are still many words that are missing. But it needs time and for 3 weeks Id say, I leared pretty much.

enjoy Friday night

05 Mai 2006

Huge trees, hu?

I am sorry for only writing now... I actually would have liked very much to write some news yesterday but then the already-now-historical Roeschti desaster happened and after that I definitaly needed some fresh air and went out for a coffee with Byron and his friend Colin.

Literally we dont have a Teflon frying pan here... u surely may imagine what happened. I used the two normal frying pans we have and the only thing I had to do was, as soon as I had finished scraping off the Roeschti from one pan bottom, I had to scrape off the bottom of the other bottom again. And so on and so on...
Afterwards I had done my exercise for a whole week I guess and as well there werent any agressions left. Used them all for the damn neverending scraping off.

So far so good.

There didnt happen too much more the last days. But tonight I am going to cook Spaghetti at a friends place and afterwards we are going to Lost again. The place to go out I liked the most since I am here.

And tomorrow I am going to buy the Ticket do Colonia, Uruguay. Today I only had my ID with me and that wasnt enough, I need to bring my passport. Colonia is just across the River and must be a very nice colonial styled city.

And as well I need to get some information about the schedules of the horse racings here. I actually wanted to watch a Polo Game but its not affordable. Really only something for the very very very rich ppl. But horse race is great as well and the stadium is just 5 min from my home. As well it only cost like 5 bucks, so bit more than 2 Francs.

Btw, I discovered these trees today, nearby the Cementary of Recoleta. Very impressing, hu?

So these are my further plans. Now I definitaly need to start cooking the Sugo. Otherwise I wont be in time again...


my family

Let me shortly introduce my family for those who haven't seen them yet by web cam.
The lady on the left is my hostmum called Muchy and the guy in the middle is Byron.
We're having a good time together...

01 Mai 2006

parrots in the city and breakfast in the twilight

Saturday when I went for a little walk, I suddenly heard twitter, though I was listening to music. So in the middle of the city between some old trees there were surely about a hundret noisy parrots, I found that quite special because I really didnt think theyd exist in BsAs. Not very big ones, a bit taller than budgerigars in green and yellow. But I found them very beautiful.

Actually I didnt plan to go out again Saturday night, but then I was invented to a friends flat for dinner with some others and it was really enjoyable. We had some salad, bread and olives and a glass of wine.. Later we went all out to a club, of which I really cant remember the name of anymore.

It was finally a place where there werent only foreigners... cause very often the clubs recomended in the guides have an admission price of 20 to 30 Pesos which is almost as much as an usuall admission price on a Saturday in Switzerland. For most of the Portenos this is not affordable cause 30 Pesos here is as expensive for them as if we would pay an admission charge of about 60 Franks. A fortune.

So thats why there are almost only foreigners there. Who are not really the prefered kind of ppl I would like to meet here.

However, last night was good, they played the Killers, M.I.A. und le Tigre zum Beispiel... so good that it became very late. I believe even for Argentinans.
But at 2 pm already, I should have been at Amandas Flat for breakfast. It became 3 and still I woke them up when I rang the Doorbell.. The others didnt even show up... lazy bums! We had breakfast at half 5 because they still needed to buy bread and stuff, inbetween I had a little nap because 2 hrs was just too less. A crazy day...

I told to cook tonight and I really regret it. I just wanna go to bed, I am so tried but Muchy isnt even at home yet. Silly Myra should have known that she will be tired... but Im gonna go for it!

Good night...