A friend just advised me not to write in English anymore. Hmm... I really hope its not that bad... in reality Id love to write in Cherman again since a long time, but what bout the friends that dont understand Cherman, uhhh Im so nice... (I borrowed that word, ok? This is an application for a permit.)
Be that as it may, Im back in town and I hope Ill manage it to hook up with Phil tonight for unas cervezas.... cant wait for some eeexciting entertainmet, ha. However beer is beer and I got DVDs.
Hihi, yesterday a mail of my sis amused me the entire evening. She namely has 2 budgerigars and told me that shed finally bought a need for them. So far so good, that wasnt the funny part, but then she went on saying: " If things work out theyre going to have 4-6 babies in less than a month!"
And I thought, how easy!!! U take 2 birds, finally buy them a need and in less than a month u got 4-6 babies. All they need is a fuckin need.
So i fantasised on how funny it were if u could pick out 2 foreigners (a man and a woman of course) out of a crowd, just buy them a double bed an in less than 9 month u got some babies... chichichi...
Probably u dont think that the idea is that incredibly funny, but I at least still was laughting bout it when I returned to my room at night. So I thought I might share that little anecdote with u... Maybe Im just starving for some good entertainment- possible as well. However, I love my crazy mind for entertaining me with insane ideas.
Last weekend I actually burned the second part of my pics on a CD, so I can take some more here, but Im afraid it didnt work out. After all the CD still seems to be empty and the only computer they have here that is able to read CDs ( three cheers for the age of diskettes!) couldnt read it. Grrr... I suppose Ill have to do it again! Anyway, there arent many beautiful subjects here. Some mist, loads of sand and trash, no green but many slums).
Im sort of waiting now to finally return home. I gave up asking raringly for some work. No, I didnt cut the grass as announced, no, one cannot cut the grass while mister painter didnt finish yet to paint the walls, not here. And I make a guess now: When Ill be back at the childrens home, he already will have done it. Though I told him clearly how much Id LOVE to cut their grass. Ill tell u next week bout the ending of the grass story.
Chao, see u in THREE WEEKS only.... juhu, cant wait.
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