dios dos en la escuela, hehe! (o 'jaja' en espanol)
Did u know, ppl in Argentina while laughing dont sound like hehe but like jaja (say chacha, like chue in swiss german), i wonder how the frogs sound like in spanish!
Today was a easy going day. Got up at 9, finished my homework (tarea se llame en espanol latinamericano), walked around the city for some hours, passed by the Buenos Airesian (?) 'Cental Park', huge again, crossed some 120 m wide streets, saw so many trees (BsAs must be the city with the most trees...) and almost as many dogs surounding some dogsitters.
(By the way, today I didnt even get lost while my little trip.)
Then, after i reached Avendina Santa Fe again, the enormous street i told u about, I had lunch and some rest and went straight on to Cementario Recoleta, a very famous cementary at the rich aerea of BsAs just around the corner by my school. Should have seen this graves, u couldnt imagine what rich ppl are able to after being dead already!
School was fine, though we didnt get very far today... and as well, I am now seriously thinking bout going on a trip to Tierra del Fuego, dont know how this is called in English, but its the very southern part of south america. And it is one of the places I always wanted to go to. Tomorrow Im gonna check my credit and ask for the prices at some Travel Agencies.
Good bye and good luck.
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