the City that smells like Persian rice
Hola chicos!
First I wanna thank u all who wrote something in my book, it was delightful to read it! And thanks to those as well who wrote me these encouraging text messages! I have been very pleased!
Far too much to tell already. Well, actually eveything went alright.
Didnt miss the train, didnt miss the flight to Barcelona but I learned: always to bring either Euros or something to eat with me next time there is the chance that I'm going to be hungry and on a short distance flight. Luckily I could pay with Swiss Francs of which I am rid now of course.
Then I had very long time of waiting in Barcelona, 7h about. And no Euros but Dollars in too big credits. So my hunger increased constantly... later at a bar where I wanted to try whether my card is maybe accepted as a credit card it finally worked, though I didnt have to use my Pin. I found it very strange but didnt care too mucht because I finally had something to eat.
Now there comes the not so nice part of mz journey which made it become 35h. When i arrived in Madrid a 11 p.m. the flight to BsAs was canceled, so we have all been brought to a hotel to sleep for maybe 4 hours till an other plane would be there to bring ut to our destination.
It was quite quite hard going because nobody told anything and if so, then in spanish. So before I went to bed I asked when the bus is going to drive us back and she told me... uuuuhm, well... 5:45. Nobody know anything and I followed the herd as a dumb sheep. Anyway, in the end it worked out and at 7:30 next morning I was finallz at my place next to the window!
I never would have imagined to sleep as deeply and refreshing in a plane (Tourist Class), as I did today. Amazing, just as a baby I guess. Sleeping, eating, reading, listening to the classic chanal (my Poddie battery was flat of course), talking to my neighbour and the 12h went over just like nothing.
Now I am at my hostmum. First impression is, that I am verz lucky. I got my own room with a tiny balcony and in the living room thers that pc I am writing of and everything seems to be clean. The flat is nice in general and seems to be quite in the centre.
So far so good, I,m going to have some rest now, have another nose full of that strange taste of Persian rice and maybe have a look around my street later.
Be good and cheers!
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