Vagabondine Unterwegs

22 Juni 2006

Babes, Im coming home!

U should see the smile on my face! However, things got really worse the last weeks and I really needed to come home, so yesterday I went to the office of fuckin Iberia (I hate Iberia), but then the very serious lady had a ticket for me just for today. I could have hugged her right away. And still I cannot really believe that I can leave this horrid place...
I guess this is the end of that Blog. See u in real life again!
Cant wait so see u!

15 Juni 2006

A friend just advised me not to write in English anymore. Hmm... I really hope its not that bad... in reality Id love to write in Cherman again since a long time, but what bout the friends that dont understand Cherman, uhhh Im so nice... (I borrowed that word, ok? This is an application for a permit.)

Be that as it may, Im back in town and I hope Ill manage it to hook up with Phil tonight for unas cervezas.... cant wait for some eeexciting entertainmet, ha. However beer is beer and I got DVDs.

Hihi, yesterday a mail of my sis amused me the entire evening. She namely has 2 budgerigars and told me that shed finally bought a need for them. So far so good, that wasnt the funny part, but then she went on saying: " If things work out theyre going to have 4-6 babies in less than a month!"

And I thought, how easy!!! U take 2 birds, finally buy them a need and in less than a month u got 4-6 babies. All they need is a fuckin need.

So i fantasised on how funny it were if u could pick out 2 foreigners (a man and a woman of course) out of a crowd, just buy them a double bed an in less than 9 month u got some babies... chichichi...

Probably u dont think that the idea is that incredibly funny, but I at least still was laughting bout it when I returned to my room at night. So I thought I might share that little anecdote with u... Maybe Im just starving for some good entertainment- possible as well. However, I love my crazy mind for entertaining me with insane ideas.

Last weekend I actually burned the second part of my pics on a CD, so I can take some more here, but Im afraid it didnt work out. After all the CD still seems to be empty and the only computer they have here that is able to read CDs ( three cheers for the age of diskettes!) couldnt read it. Grrr... I suppose Ill have to do it again! Anyway, there arent many beautiful subjects here. Some mist, loads of sand and trash, no green but many slums).

Im sort of waiting now to finally return home. I gave up asking raringly for some work. No, I didnt cut the grass as announced, no, one cannot cut the grass while mister painter didnt finish yet to paint the walls, not here. And I make a guess now: When Ill be back at the childrens home, he already will have done it. Though I told him clearly how much Id LOVE to cut their grass. Ill tell u next week bout the ending of the grass story.

Chao, see u in THREE WEEKS only.... juhu, cant wait.

10 Juni 2006

slowly but surely I start to hate the peruvian dogs

Dogs all over. And they are either poor Boxers that cant breathe or fuckin bitchy! Yesterday night when I came home from the childrens home, the frist thing that happened was, that this shitty dog bit me in my calf. But that was not enough. When I then wanted to enter my room I was quite shocked, all my stuff had been put into plastic bags and everything, I swear, everything was at a different place. They had told me twice that NOBODY is going to enter my room during the week, so I treated this room as a private room where I just had lieing around all my stuff: my cam, my books, my passport, my pics... all was there and some chilenian stranger I never met in my life entered my room, slept in my bed on my sheets and put all my things into plastic bags. I was very angry.

Why do they tell me N0BODY is going to enter ur room and then do this?

However, its past now but I definitaly lost my trust.

I actually came home in a good mood and wanted to tell u bout the chicken they slaughtered and which I found on one side very fascinating, but on the other side I found it very disgusting! If I lived here for ever, Id definitaly become a vegetarian. Gkrrck... and the knee was broken. Drop drop drop... fresh red blood all over. And I was standing there, thinking of nicely vacuumated chicken breast u can buy in swizz supermarkets. Cheers on abstract vacuumated meat!

Today is my daddys Birthday and Id like to congratulate him here as well! Youthful 42 years...
Happy Birthday and enjoy ur party!

Next Thursday theres coming a friend over from Argentina! Im really looking forward for some male company, hopefully I can finally go out again! Cause I really dont want to go out here on my own at night. (Its really better not watching the peruvian news here, u get damn scared... murders all over, or bus crashes... u die easily here. One of the first thing I saw after arriving in Lima was a dead body lieing on the middle of the street...)

However, bout my daily life. Im doing better and already go 3 weeks behind me and 4 tiny weeks left, I think I can do that. But I really cant wait anymore to come home. Still theres not much to do, but next week I can cut the grass, which will take me at least 2.5 hours. My daddy knows, I actually really dont like cutting grass, especially collecting it afterwards. But things are different here and Im looking forward for some work.

Another thing is, that they always lose the key here. Its incredible! (How the hell can u lose a key 3 times a week at a place that is maybe, umm... 100x20 metres big?) So sometimes they need to pull out the nails of the lock so that the kids can go to school... or what ever. Anyway, that key is always missing and it doesnt take me long anymore to offer the service to guard it for em.

Theres more to tell, but I still need something to do for tomorrow... =)

See u soon!

05 Juni 2006

short news

Well, very short, Its still very boring and I dont have much to do. But at least I finally dared to go out on my own and it was a great feeling escaping from prison. Theyre all very scared here, but I think it cannot be that I cant go out on my own. Ull here more next friday, Im sorry, I have to go to church where they honestly believe in 'Erbsünde'...
Im looking forward to come home and see u all again!